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welcome to http://adikalongangah.blogspot.com/ ★Anis Shahid ★21 years ★UiTM's Student ★Risk Manager to be .
Anis Bach in Insurance My brother's lil princess

it's me

ツAnis Hati Kering ツAnis Tinggi ツAnis Dimple ツAnis Simple ツAnis Suka bergambar ツNak badan fit tapi malas exercise. ツNak travel tapi malas gerak. ツNak shopping tapi malas keluar. --------LANTAK AKU LA----------
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•nak jadi anak solehah •nak jadi adik yang baik •nak jadi risk manager •nak KAHWIN •nak jadi isteri mithali •nak pergi umrah dengan suami --------SUKA HATI AKU LA---------


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Wednesday 29 May 2013


Kenangan itu bertandang kembali.
Kenangan itu melukakanku.
Kenangan itu menghantui aku.
Kenangan itu pelangi bagi ku.

Aku masih takut dengan kenangan itu.
Takut dengan keadaan itu.
Keadaan itu sejarah hitam ku.
Aku takut dengan masa hadapan ku.

Aku tak mahu membuka lembaran itu.
Berikan ku peluang membina kenangan baru.
Berikan aku pelangi yang indah
Aku tidak mahu toleh kebelakangan.

Kenangan itu pelbagai rasa.
Adakah aku tersenyum
Adakah aku bahagia
Adakah aku bersedih

Hakikatnya kenangan itu masih berbaki.

wore my shoes at 08:10 / top

Monday 27 May 2013
Promise yourself

To be so strong that nothing
can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity
to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel
that there is something in them
To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.

To think only the best, to work only for the best,
and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past
and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
not in loud words but great deeds.
To live in faith that the whole world is on your side
so long as you are true to the best that is in you.” 

wore my shoes at 01:40 / top

Thursday 23 May 2013


Assalamualaikum !

Today is 23rd Mei. means tomorrow is 24th Mei.
Nothing special with these date cuma cuma cuma
Nak bagitahu, esok balik KUANTAN ! Yahoo !

Semakin hampir dengan final, semakin bertimbun assignment, semakin busy lah aku ! EH ? boleh terima tak hypothesis nie ? HIKHOK. 

Haa. Guess what. Aku terpilih wakil boling (ISS) (Insurance Student Society) untuk sukan antara fakulti (SAP) 9.6.2013. FACT ! aku tak pandai main boling and aku main JUST untuk suka suka je ! i'm wondering kenapa aku yang dipilih. -,- dan sangatlah rasa nak membantah ! Aku rasa nak marah dekat Akif tu pun ada sebab aku syak dia suggest nama aku. Then baru aku tahu dia buat pemilihan berdasarkan malam    ISS buat tournament boling. That night, group aku dapat tempat ke 4 and boleh dikatakan aku penyumbang markah terbanyak *eceh terbangga kejap* hikhik. Mungkin ini platform aku untuk menaikkan lagi nama ISS.  In shaa Allah aku cuba yang terbaik untuk ISS ! chaiyok ! 


In shaa Allah buat yang terbaik untuk NETBALL ISS !


wore my shoes at 02:24 / top

Sunday 12 May 2013
Gula Hati



Tiba-tiba rasa nak tulis entry about someone who has been a special person in my life.
Ya, for me, he is the one and only who can take my heart. SO FAR !

He has an unique name. Seriously, sebelum nie aku tak pernah dengar nama tu. Masa mula mula dia perkenalkan diri. aku rasa macam " eh dia nie asal dari planet mana ? Kg Jabi ? ape tu ? org mana dia nie ? tak pernah dengar pun nama kg tu sebelum nie" I was like ERRR. Not interesting at all. So, I just let it be. 

Dengan kuasa Tuhan, lama-lama aku jadi rapat dengan dia. And we such as a couple. Honestly, he's very caring, nice, and will do anything for me. Tapi aku still anggap dia as friend because of _______________. Ya, seriously we are like a couple. Bila dia demam, aku belikan dia ubat. Kalau dia sakit, aku temankan dia and vice versa . I'm still concern about him as a friends pada masa tu laa. 

Ada satu malam tu, aku order nasi kat Cafe C, and it was like a S**T because I've been waiting for a long time and still can not feed. I was like ABCDEFGHIJK! Aku pun bagitahu dia dan dia cakap. "Turun dekat BT (Bilik Tutor) sekarang" then aku tanya " Kenapa?" Dia suruh aku turun je. Aku pun tanpa byk tanya pergi. ok, aku agak terharu sebab dia bagi aku nasi goreng dia. Baikkan dia ?  

 Sebenarnya tu bukan lah first time dia buat macam tu. Dah byk kali. Bila aku cakap nak mintak tolong je . It was like BING ! tak perlu tanya byk byk, dia dah tahu ape aku nak. SUP AYAM, NASI n TELUR DADAR kafe B . Kalau ada group assignment, dia beli makanan and dia akan suruh aku teman dia makan :) One more thing, dia sangat jeles bila aku terlalu rapat dengan lelaki lain. Kadang-kadang aku akan bagi dia kad, sticky note and snack nak pujuk dia supaya jgn merajuk. HMMMM.  

Kalau aku rindu parents aku mesti dia cakap " syg. awak kena doakan untuk mak dan bapak awak setiap hari" How I miss you. Hari tu aku tengah tension dengan roomate aku. Dalam library aku duk sorang-sorang and dia datang kat aku tiba-tiba dia tanya " are you okay sweetheart?" suddenly my tears fall. and he said " kenapa nie? jgn nangis please, don't make me worry" Masa tu aku tau dia ikhlas concern bout me.

Guess what ? Budak kelas semua tak tahu pasal kitaorg . pandaikan kami sorok. HIKHIK.
TAPI itu semua dulu, semasa berada di zaman baru nak mengenal dunia. CEWAH. Sekarang, kami hanya kawan biasa and it was not like before. I've lost my bestfriend, my diary and my sweetheart. Seriously, I miss him so much. 

Tapi itu semua dulu. sekarang kami hanya kawan biasa. Jarang keep in touch. Hanya FACEBOOK menjadi tempat untuk aku tahu keadaan dia. 

MUHAMMAD NURBAIHAQI. Saya selalu doakan yang terbaik untuk awak. Saya selalu kirimkan doa supaya awak sentiasa sihat dan bahagia di tempat baru. Saya tahu awak dah berubah. I'll support you ! I trust you BAIHAQI. SORRY because I still can't forget you. Saya harap awak bahagia dengan life awak sekarang dan jaga ummi dan walid awak. :)


wore my shoes at 11:44 / top

Tuesday 7 May 2013
Along dan Angah


Assalamualaikum !

Firstly. Thank God because you gave me two persons that care a lot about me. Along and Angah. 
I was the one and only sister they have. So sometimes I become the first baby. hikhok.When they promise something to me and they do not fulfill it. In silence I'll cry and I talk with them only when necessary.When they scolded and mad at me, I'll cry immediately. That was me . ANIS SYUHADA SHAHID.But I realized, when I was mad with them, they will persuade me to get me out. I'm very thankful to have  brothers who is responsible and loving (maybe). Along and Angah. I really really love both of you. Billion sorry sometimes I'm being so childish !

The left one is my Along and the right one is my Angah

wore my shoes at 20:22 / top

Monday 6 May 2013

Life without mom and dad very difficult. I have to rely on myself. 
Be strong is a choice I have. 
No one knew what I was feeling. 
First, I think I'm strong enough to bear the tests are given.
But I know I'm not strong enough, Now, I was studying at university. 
Away from family. 
I learned how to be an independent person. Learn travel by myself. 
Walking alone in the middle of the night to go home.
I learned to be a brave. I try to be a stronger. I know it.
I am a very affectionate.
Often cry if I can not withstand any test.
I'm trying to be a gritty, tough and resilient.
Sometimes I am proud to myself because I managed to do things rather something without the help of others.
Mom and Dad, I'm sorry that sometimes I'm too spoiled. 
I always troublesome brothers. But I tried the best.
I will prove it to both of you mom and dad.
Being the only girls in family is quit difficult.

Your one and only daughter

wore my shoes at 22:29 / top